Four-Year-Old Statewide Preschool
Four-day program
St. Paul Preschool participates in Iowa's Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program (SWVPP). Through this program, tuition for our 4-year-olds is provided by the state. Students must be four (by Sept. 15 of the current year) and residents of the state of Iowa. This includes:
A licensed teacher: An early childhood licensed teacher is responsible for designing and implementing effective learning environments using instructional strategies to enhance children's learning.
A minimum of 10 hours per week of quality preschool instruction: Providers may provide more hours at an additional cost.
Community collaboration: Programs must provide family involvement opportunities such as orientation, open house, and conferences.
High quality program standards: School districts and partners implement and follow the Iowa Quality Preschool Program Standards.
High quality learning standards: Programs must have rigorous and relevant curriculum and assessments to enhance children's strengths, interests, and knowledge (based on the Iowa Early Learning Standards); and alignment with K-12 standards and academic expectations.
Appropriate adult-child ration of 1-10 and a maximum group size of 20.